LACAE , becomes member of Copernicus Academy Network

LACAE  has recently became a founding member of the Copernicus Academy Network.

This network of European universities, research institutions, and private non-profit organisations,  is a new initiative of the European Commission, aiming to attract new potential users for Copernicus satellite data and information by stimulating awareness, promoting knowledge transfer and skills development.

Specifically, the goal of the Network is to develop lectures, training sessions, traineeships as well as educational and training material that will empower the next generation of researchers, scientists, and entrepreneurs  to take advantage of the free data and services provided by the Copernicus Sentinel satellites.

As an integral part of the recently released European Space Strategy, the Copernicus Academy has the ambition to contribute in the effort of unleashing the vast potential of Copernicus Sentinel data and service information for the benefit of the citizens of Europe and the future of our Planet.


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