Μέλη ΔΕΠ

NameStatusShort BioContact Details

Panagiotis Nastos
Full Professor

Professor Panagiotis Nastos is the Director of the Laboratory of Climatology and Atmospheric Environment (LACAE).
He is also the President of the Hellenic Meteorological Society (EMTE) since 2010. He has been supervisor in a significant number of PhDs and post-graduated dissertations in the field of Climatology and Atmospheric Environment.
See full CV
T: +30 210-7274191

Kostas Eleftheratos
Assistant Professor
Kostas's research focuses on changes in the composition of the atmosphere on short and long time and space scales, changes in climatic parameters, air quality, atmospheric effects from aircraft emissions and the study of natural climatic oscillations.
He has participated in 13 European and 8 national competitive research projects. He has authored or coauthored 30 papers in peer reviewed scientific journals, 20 papers in book chapters and conference proceedings and 50 conference abstracts.
See full CV
T: +30 210 727 4133

Maria Hatzaki
Assistant Professor
Maria's research focuses on climate and climate variability, on current and future climate trends and extremes, on environmental and social impacts of climate change and on vulnerability assessments mainly in the Mediterranean region.
She holds collaboration with the Climate Change Assessments Group of the National Observatory of Athens and with the School of Earth Science of the University of Melbourne.

She has participated in 7 European and 8 national competitive research projects and has authored or co-authored more than 50 papers in international peer-reviewed journals, book chapters and conference proceedings and more than 40 conference abstracts.
See full CV
T:+30 210 7274192

Emmanuel Vassilakis
Assistant Professor
Dr Emmanuel Vassilakis is an expert in Remote Sensing, Tectonic Geomorphology and GIS, with emphasis in satellite image processing especially in high resolution data interpretation. Currently he is teaching Remote Sensing and Digital Mapping applications for undergraduate students at the School of Geology & Geo-environment of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens where he was hired (2013) as a Faculty member (Ass. Professor since 2016) in Remote Sensing and Tectonic Geomorphology. He is also teaching the mentioned subjects to graduate students of the “Natural Hazards”, "Geography & Environment" and “Oceanography” post-graduate programs.
He has extensive experience in processing satellite data, managing GIS and Web-GIS databases, creating 3D models and virtual scenes by using state-of-the art scientific software and by developing own utilities when necessary.
See full CV
T:+30 2107274400

Christos Zerefos
Emeritus professorSee full Biography